Candidates are required to read a text, and then write what they can remember from the text
A short passage is presented for 30 seconds, and the candidate has 90 seconds to reconstruct the content of the passage in writing.
Passages range in length from 30 to 75 words.
Two types of genres are presented in this task: narrative and email.
Narrative texts are short stories about common situations involving characters, actions, events, reasons, consequences, or results.
Corey is a taxi driver. It is his dream job because he loves driving cars. He started the job ten years ago and has been saving up money since then. Soon, he will use this money to start his own taxi company.
Email texts are adapted from authentic electronic communication and may be conversational messages to colleagues or more formal messages to customers.
Thank you so much for being so understanding about our delay of shipment. It has been quite difficult to get materials from our suppliers due to the recent weather conditions. It is an unusual circumstance. In any case, we should be able to ship the products to you tomorrow. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
What do you need to do in order to accurately reconstruct a passage?
Read the passage
understand the concepts and details.
Short text: In some cases it will be verbatim Reconstruction especially for shorter passages.
For longer texts, reconstruction may be accomplished by paraphrasing and drawing on the candidate’s own choice of words.
If you have the ability to reproduce the key points and details of the passage using grammatical and appropriate writing.
The task requires the kinds of skills and core language competencies that are necessary for activities such as:
responding to requests in writing,
replying to emails,
documenting events or decisions,
summarizing situations
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